Sunday, October 27, 2013


Oasis:  1.  A small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well.  2. Something serving as a refuge, relief, or pleasant change from what is usual, annoying, difficult, etc.

Because Rodger and Lynne's house is not yet ready for move in, we have all been staying in a lovely small hotel/guest house called Escododiño.  I believe in Portuguese it means something like "a little resting place".  It has truly been our oasis.  It has old world charm, beautiful grounds and a lovely pool. Lynne and I have been doubly blessed with this oasis since while the guys have been working to make sense out of the chaos at their house, we have been doing our sewing projects here. 
But it makes me think about what their life is going to be like here. We plan to move them in on Thursday.  I know it will still be chaotic.  They have chosen to live on the part of the island called Makuti town. (Makuti means thatch...what most of the roofs are made from). Most Europeans or non-natives choose to live on the northern 1/3 of the island called Stone town.  Maybe 3 to 4 thousand people inhabit this section.  (Realize the island is about 2 miles long and maybe 3/4 mile across.) The remaining 16,000 or so people live in Makuti town.  This is where the Schmidts home is located.  They have a beautiful view of the ocean on one side, two different cemeteries on two other sides and the closest neighbor is a thatched roof hut where they cook over charcoal and pound grain to make their flour. Little children are running around everywhere. Many of the youngest run around naked. It has another world, National Geographic feel to it.  Life here will be difficult. Just getting things like toothpaste, shampoo, basic groceries could take a several hour trip to the mainland. Life here is loud and public. Every move they make will be scrutinized. 
Where will be their oasis?   It will be in each other.  In the little successes of changed lives and growing relationships.  In visits from their boys between school terms.  But most of all it will be in our " friend".

Please pray for them on an on-going basis.  They will be doing what very few of us would even consider doing.  Living in a barren, foreign land where there is incredible need, incredible poverty.....incredible dirt, incredible mosquitos....but incredible people.  Pray for seeds to be planted, watered and nurtured that they may grow into a green oasis on this island.  

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