Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Water Tap Civilization

Water, water, water.  Without it...everthing stops.

A few days ago, the city came out and hooked up Rodgers house to the citys main line.  Cool huh.

Well, Rodger only gets water on Tues., Wed., and Thurs., so today was our 1st day of city water.  Well, almost.  A little after 8 a.m. the tap was still dry, so we inquired.  After much discussion a crew was sent out to see the problem.  A little confused, they opened a valve to bleed the system. A little water bubbled out, so down the street we went to open another valve.  A little water came out and then...nothing.  Seems as though there is a problem. 

Eventually, an electric pump was hooked up to the houses water supply to draw water from the city.  I personally have more water pressure than the city.  If anything came out of me that looked like that water...I would go to the hospital right then! One of the pictures shows the water going into the cistern. 

So, go to your water tap right now and fill a glass full of clean water and thank God you live where you can drink the water out of the tap and live to tell about it.  Think of me when you do.

While this liquid adventure was going on, I kept hearing a thump, thump, thump.  I knew it wasn't me, but I could not figure it out.  Finally, I looked at the path between the Rodgers house and the neighbors, and there was a woman with a 5 foot long wooden pole beating wheat grain in a wooden container!  I took a picture that I labeled Centuries Collide.  Here is a woman making flour like they did 4,000 years ago in front of a mud hut with a grass roof with a motor cycle and a TV antennae on the roof.  My mind still is rocked by some of the things I see.

Well, the college kids leave tomorrow so I will keep my eyes open for the next group to come my way and see what other adventures are awaiting me.


1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    I finally figured out how to comment on your blog! It is so good to be able to read and see what you are up to. I am (but shouldn't be) amazed at the number of things we take for granted just because we live here in America. I knew clean water was a problem in many places of the world but this really brought it home. And to only get water 3 days... Wow.

    I'm off to peruse your pictures now. I will be praying for you. I know God is using you mightily on this trip.

