Monday, August 11, 2014

Divine Appointments

How many times have you met people and thought, that must have been a God thing

Like this keyboard I am using is not setup for english so me being able to do this must be a God thing.

When I boarded my flight in LHR going to JNB, I was assigned a window seat with very little leg room or room for my feet.  I sat there for awhile and noticed 3 emtpy seats in the front I moved hoping (and praying) the people assigned these seats would not show up.  Pretty soon I noticed a man standing in front of me looking at the seats...uh oh.  He finally asked me if I was assigned that seat and I told him no, I was 1 row back.  He looked releived and said, Good, can I sit beside you...I said sure and then told him I was praying the psgrs for theses seats wouldn~t show up.  He said that was good because his wife was sitting right behind us and both of them were praying the same cool.

We had a good 10 hours to get acquainted and found out that his wife has a close friend who lives in...wait for it.....Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Wow...anyway we talked alot and he is trying to come to the USA next year and see California, so I promised him dinner.  How fun to sit beside another believer and enjoy the trip.

As you know, Chris and his dad and brother did not make it to JNB on time, so Rodger, his son Stephen and I spent Sunday night in Nampula at backpackers guesthouse.  This morning I started talking to a young married couple who had just left Mozambique Island as part of the missions project in Bible College.

Rodger sat and spoke to them as well and...we want to pray this couple to Ilha de Mocambique.

My time is gone at the internet cafe...

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